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RF Micro Devices, Inc.(纳斯达克代码:RFMD)和TriQuint半导体公司(纳斯达克代码:TQNT)于2015年1月1日份宣布,两家公司以平等地位完成合并, 新的控股公司起名为Qorvo, Inc.。
TriQuint Semiconductor是一家半导体公司,设计,制造和提供高性能RF模块,组件和代工服务。该公司成立于1985年,位于俄勒冈州的比弗顿,之后搬到邻近的俄勒冈州希尔斯伯勒。 2014年2月,总部位于北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗的RF Micro Devices和TriQuint宣布合并,新公司将成为Qorvo,Inc。,合并于2015年1月1日完成。
TriQuint半导体作为Tektronix的子公司在20世纪80年代中期开始其生命。 1985年,创始人举行了一场竞赛,为公司起了一个名字。获奖作品向公司成立的砷化镓致敬。 * Tri,来自希腊语的“前缀意思是三,三,三”和quint,来自拉丁语的“一组或五个序列”字面意思是3-5。 3-5是指元素周期表中镓和砷元素的位置。周期表中第三和第五列上的元素,包括在GaN中发现的氮,已知具有特殊的导电性质,非常适合于生产化合物半导体。 Alan Patz是该公司的首位首席执行官(CEO),从1985年至1991年任职。
1988年,分拆工作的核心小组必须决定他们是否希望继续在Tektronix下作为GaAs SBU工作,或者他们是否想要自己冒险。这个核心小组在俄勒冈州比弗顿的Greenwood Inn酒店房间会面,并决定他们将利用他们的经验创办最终成为TriQuint的公司。
1991年,Gazelle Microcircuits,Gigabit Logic和TriQuint都以TriQuint名称合并。合并后的公司的重点是生产手机和其他通信设备的组件。 2001年5月15日,TriQuint和Sawtek Inc.宣布两家公司合并。 Sawtek制造基于表面声波的产品,通过合并,TriQuint能够将其技术融入其产品中。 Patz于1991年离开首席执行官职位,Bert Moyer于5月接任临时首席执行官,任职至9月,当时史蒂夫夏普成为该公司的永久领导人。
2002年,TriQuint收购了英飞凌的GaAs半导体业务,作为两家公司合作创建产品的一部分,随后于2002年底收购了Agere Systems的大部分光电子业务。同样在2002年,史蒂夫夏普卸任首席执行官,拉尔夫奎西接任该职位。 TriQuint后来于2005年将此次收购创建的TriQuint光电业务部门出售给了CyOptics。
2005年初,TriQuint收购了位于俄勒冈州本德的TFR Technologies。 TriQuint收购了该公司,将他们在体声波(BAW)产品上的工作融入他们自己的工作中。 2007年9月4日,TriQuint完成了对Peak Devices Inc.的收购,以便将他们在宽带带宽方面的工作纳入其产品中。随后收购了2008年5月23日完成的WJ Communications,Inc。,以收购他们的RF产品。
该公司在2009年就股票期权不当回溯的指控解决了投资者诉讼。 TriQuint同意支付近300万美元的原告律师费来解决案件,但保持公司没有做错任何事。同年,该公司开始与竞争对手Avago Technologies就声波滤波器展开专利纠纷,该争议最终于2012年得到解决,两家公司同意在两家公司之间交叉许可专利。总体而言,TriQuint花费了大约2000万美元。 2010财年,该公司的收入增长到了8.487亿美元,其中约25%的收入来自Apple Computer的合约制造商富士康。经过几个季度的亏损,该公司在2013年第三季度实现盈利.TriQuint于2014年2月宣布将与RF Micro Devices合并。合并于2015年1月1日完成,新公司名为Qorvo。在合并之前,TriQuint在纳斯达克上市交易为TQNT。
TriQuint半导体使用砷化镓,表面声波(SAW)和体声波(BAW)技术创建标准和定制产品。构建这些过程以用于许多不同的设备。在无线手持设备中,TriQuint创造了许多组件,包括功率放大器(PA),功率放大器模块(PAM),pHEMT开关,SAW和BAW滤波器,滤波器模块,天线开关模块(ASM)和前端模块(FEM)。他们的芯片被用于制造Apple的iPhone和iPad,Palm的Pre,HTC的Android G1和亚马逊的Kindle阅读器以及其他消费产品。
TriQuint的GaAs和SAW技术在许多基站中使用。对于宽带通信设备,TriQuint创建并生产了光调制器驱动器,跨阻放大器(TIA),衰减器,贝塞尔滤波器和低噪声放大器(LNA)。 TriQuint的产品也被军方使用。
TriQuint Semiconductor was a semiconductor company that designed, manufactured, and supplied high-performance RF modules, components and foundry services. The company was founded in 1985 in Beaverton, Oregon before moving to neighboring Hillsboro, Oregon. In February 2014, Greensboro, North Carolina-based RF Micro Devices and TriQuint announced a merger in which the new company would be Qorvo, Inc., with the merger completed on January 1, 2015.
TriQuint Semiconductor began its life in the mid-1980s as a subsidiary of Tektronix. In 1985 the founders held a contest to come up with a name for the company. The winning entry paid homage to the gallium arsenide on which the company was founded. *Tri, from the Greek for “a prefix meaning three, thrice, threefold”, and quint, from the Latin for “a set or sequence of five” literally means 3-5. 3-5 refers to the location of the elements gallium and arsenic on the periodic table. The elements on the third and fifth columns of the periodic table, including nitrogen found in GaN, are known to have special conductive properties, great for producing compound semiconductors. Alan Patz was the first chief executive officer (CEO) of the company, serving from 1985 until 1991.
In 1988, the core group working in the spin-off had to decide if they wanted to continue to work under Tektronix as the GaAs SBU or if they wanted to venture out on their own. This core group met in a hotel room at the Greenwood Inn in Beaverton, Oregon, and decided that they were going to use their experience to start the company that would eventually become TriQuint.
In 1991, Gazelle Microcircuits, Gigabit Logic, and TriQuint all merged under the TriQuint name. The focus of the merged company was to produce components for mobile phones and other communication devices. On May 15, 2001, TriQuint and Sawtek Inc. announced that the two companies would merge. Sawtek made products based on surface acoustic wave, and with the merger, TriQuint was able to incorporate their technology into its products. Patz left the CEO position in 1991 and Bert Moyer took over in May as the interim CEO, serving until September when Steve Sharp became the permanent leader of the company.
In 2002, TriQuint acquired Infineon's GaAs semiconductor business as a part of a partnership between the two companies to create products together, followed in late 2002, with the acquisition of a large portion of Agere Systems' optoelectronics business. Also in 2002, Steve Sharp stepped down as CEO and Ralph Quinsey took over the position. TriQuint later sold the TriQuint Optoelectronics Business Unit created from this acquisition to CyOptics in 2005.
In early 2005, TriQuint acquired TFR Technologies, located in Bend, Oregon. TriQuint acquired the company to incorporate their work on bulk acoustic wave (BAW) products into their own work. On September 4, 2007, TriQuint completed the purchase of Peak Devices Inc. in order to incorporate their work on wide band bandwidth into its products. This was followed by the acquisition of WJ Communications, Inc. completed on May 23, 2008, in order to acquire their RF products.
The company settled an investor lawsuit in 2009 over allegations of improper backdating of stock options. TriQuint agreed to pay nearly $3 million in plaintiff's attorneys fees to settle the case, but maintained the company did nothing wrong. Also that year, the company began a patent dispute with rival Avago Technologies over acoustic wave filters, which was eventually settled in 2012 with the companies agreeing to cross-license patents between the companies. Overall, TriQuint spent around $20 million in the case. For fiscal year 2010, the company's revenues had grown to $878.7 million, with about 25 percent of revenues coming from Apple Computer's contract manufacturer Foxconn. After several quarters of losses, the company posted a profit for its third quarter in 2013. TriQuint announced in February 2014 that it would merge with RF Micro Devices. The merger was completed on January 1, 2015, with the new company called Qorvo. TriQuint had traded on the NASDAQ as TQNT prior to the merger.
TriQuint Semiconductor created standard and custom products using gallium arsenide, surface acoustic wave (SAW) and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) technologies. These processes were built to be used in many different devices. In wireless handsets, TriQuint created many components, including power amplifiers (PA), power amplifier modules (PAM), pHEMT switches, SAW and BAW filters, filter modules, antenna switch modules (ASMs) and front-end modules (FEMs). Their chips were used in the manufacture of Apple's iPhone and iPad, Palm's Pre, HTC's Android G1, and Amazon's Kindle reader, among other consumer products.
TriQuint's GaAs and SAW technology was used inside many base stations. For broadband communications devices, TriQuint created and produced optical modulator drivers, transimpedance amplifiers (TIA), attenuators, Bessel filters, and low-noise amplifiers (LNA). TriQuint's products were also used by the military.
TriQuint also offered foundry services, allowing TriQuint to manufacture its own products. Additionally, the company allowed fabless semiconductor companies to use its facilities for manufacturing.
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